Bio – Prairie


Prairie moved to community with her family as a young teen and in 2020, at age 17, she made the decision to remain at Dancing Rabbit even after her family moved elsewhere. Coming of age in community has had a special influence on who she has become. Ecovillage life has supported her to mature, evolve and expand in self-awareness while developing skills in conflict resolution, nonviolent communication, group dynamics, gardening, natural building, and more. She’s a passionate poet and writer and one of her latest jams is writing and performing slam poetry—she organized the latest open mic event at Dancing Rabbit with great turnout and success!

Prairie is currently assisting in the build of a subcommunity structure called SubHub at Dancing Rabbit. In the process, she has learned carpentry, the process of building an earthen floor, and many of the social intricacies of working with others. Additionally, Prairie is stepping into the role of garden manager this season for a large garden plot at Dancing Rabbit, and some of her responsibilities include planning crop rotations, managing watering systems, planting and weeding, and managing the insects and other animals looking for a leafy green snack.